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  • Writer's pictureLily @ CircusBrighton

A Brief History of FacePainting!

Updated: Jul 16, 2023

Are you ready to learn about the colorful history of facepainting? From ancient tribal rituals to modern-day festivals, facepainting has been a popular form of artistic expression for centuries.

Ancient Egyptians used facepainting to honor their gods, with symbols and patterns painted onto their skin to represent different deities. In tribal cultures around the world, facepainting was used to symbolize social status, to ward off evil spirits, and to commemorate important events like weddings and battles.

Fast forward to the modern era, and facepainting has evolved into a popular form of entertainment for children and adults alike. From birthday parties to music festivals, facepainting is a fun and creative way to express oneself.

But how did facepainting become so popular? One theory is that it became popular in the West during the 1960s, as part of the counterculture movement. Facepainting was a way for people to express their individuality and rebellion against societal norms.

Another theory is that facepainting became popular in the West through exposure to traditional tribal cultures. As people traveled and explored different parts of the world, they were introduced to the rich traditions of facepainting in different cultures.

Regardless of how it became popular, one thing is for sure: facepainting is here to stay. It continues to be a popular form of entertainment and self-expression, with new styles and techniques emerging all the time.

So, next time you're at a festival or party and see someone with a beautiful facepainting design, remember that it's rooted in a rich history that spans centuries and cultures.

Find out more about Circus Brighton Facepainters HERE!

You can learn some beginner facepainting tips with Toxi from Circus Brighton HERE!

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